Return to in person Sunday worship will take place Sunday, March 6th.
At the Jubilee Church Council meeting held Monday, February 14, it was decided that the return to in-person Sunday worship will take place Sunday, March 6th. We will offer an in-person Ash Wednesday service on March 2nd which will be live-streamed from the sanctuary. More information about COVID protocols will be released shortly.
The Jubilee community has grown over the past two years, and we will continue to offer online worship even after the return to worshipping in person in the sanctuary. Currently, Jubilee worship services are pre-recorded. On Sunday, March 13th, we will be offering communion. This service will be live streamed.
Rev. Norm and Rev. Bri-anne are grateful to everybody’s patience as we worked out the best and safest ways for us to gather in community. We have missed being with you, too! There will soon to opportunities to gather in small groups for coffee and conversation. But for now, know that we will be gathering in the sanctuary very soon.