First…and this is the most important…
Rev. Norm and Rev. Bri-anne are really glad to be your ministers.
Like, really, really glad.
Since Rev. Bri-anne was called to Jubilee in October 2021, your ministry team has been working through how best to divide up the tasks of serving the congregation. Below is a handy list of “who you gonna call?”.
Rev. Norm Seli, Minister of Worship, Care, and Faith Formation
Worship — includes in-person and online virtual
Jubilee Cares/Pastoral Care
Children & Youth
Faith Formation — bible Study, book studies, etc.
Coffee & Check-In
Elder Care
Benevolent Fund
Rev. Bri-anne Swan, Minister of Digital Community, Growth, and Public Witness
Resistance Church
Jubilee Cares/Pastoral Care
Social Justice & Outreach
Affirm/2SLGBTQI+ Inclusion
Right Relations with Indigenous Communities
Active Adults
Digital Community
This list is meant only as a starting point — feel free to reach out to whichever minister you want! We will both be glad to hear from you. However, if you call Rev. Bri-anne about something to do with Sunday worship, she may suggest you bring your question or concern to Rev. Norm. If you contact Rev. Norm about something to do with refugee support, it’s likely he will suggest following up with Rev. Bri-anne.
But do reach out to us! We want to know how best we can support you, and how best we might be able to service the Jubilee community.